Meet the Goldsmiths...

The proof of meeting the Goldsmith...Cheez...

Ijan wif her ad-hoc group member, K-rul...and the gold shop owner

Pose poyooss from the Poo-poo Team....Kak Nor was out of the click....(coz she looked at the camera)

Sambil diperatikan oleh Cekgu Ijan...
Cekgu Hazren : Aku amik tu, ko tengok tu...
Cekgu Susan : [diam jer sambil terkulat²...]
Cekgu Hazren : Aku amik yang ini, ko tengok yang itu...
Cekgu Susan : [diam jer sambil terkulat²...]
Cekgu Hazren : Itu aku punye...Ko tengok ajer...
Cekgu Susan : [diam jer sambil terkulat²...]
Cekgu Hazren : E-ehh dier nih....
Cekgu Susan : E-ehh dier nih...(ngajuk...)

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