Hutang, kenalah dilangsaikan...

Tagged by Aan...

We need friends for many reasons,all throughout the season.We need friends to comfort us when we are sad, and to have fun with us when we are glad.We need friends to give us good advice,We need someone we can count on, and treat us nice.We need friends to remember us once we have passed, sharing memories that will always last

Spread the poem of friendship.... must go on..
24. when orange meet lily, life blossom
25. I WannaBe Superb GURU BaniHassim...

Since I was not in a good mood, i think i should not and would not tagged anybody...
Thanks ye Aan....


Another tag:

the rules :
*link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
*share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
* tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
* let them know they're tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Aan, sorry ye...Aku buat yang kaler merah tu je...
  1. Aku pemalu, kelihatan sombong, hidung tinggi tapi sebenarnya aku sebaliknya.
  2. Aku ni kreatif, tapi ramai tatau kalau aku tak diberi peluang..:bofu_11:
  3. Aku jarang kentut, kadang2 aku tatau aku kentut bile...
  4. :bofu_05:Aku ni manja, dan didescribe sbg manja lepas org tu dah betul2 kenal dengan aku...:bofu_46:
  5. :bofu_44:Aku ni rajin kemas rumah, kemas bilik, kemas meja belajar aku...Tak leh tengok sepa2....Mate aku berbulu je tgk kalau tempat bersepah...
  6. Aku ni pandai menyanyi, tapi sore tak sedap (?) boleh??
  7. Aku ni susah nak dapat kawan....:bofu_27:
  8. Ape lagi....Tujuh suda....


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